Development of CO2-negative construction components
To reduce the carbon footprint in construction and house components a new material concept was developed to achieve CO2 negative products.
Use Case
RTIC was looking for a way to showcase its new material knowledge and existing development expertise combined in a product that was as simple as possible. Based on the decsision to create a material familiy for construction components, the choice fell on a relatively simple run-of-the-mill dowel for everyday household use without special requirements for the forces to be absorbed.
The benefits of this materials are:
- Completely CO2-neutral or even negative (depending on the "reicpe")
- 100% bio-based and
- 100% biodigradable
- Low cost
- Good availability
With identical performance and given industrial manufacturability and to reach the price range of the standard plastic dowels available today.
Target Product (for Test)
For the material development a new dowl desing was developed and used for testing purposes.

The challenge
The first steps were to find a suitable material combination of bio-based matrix material and bio-based fibers. The challenge was to find the right combination of materials which fulfilled the combination of biobased, biogradability and CO2-neutrility. This was followed by detailed work to achieve industrial manufacturability by means of injection molding. This was first done on the basis of simple molds until, at the successful conclusion, a dowel in its typical shape could be reliably produced.
The goals we set ourselves were achieved: The dowel is 100% bio-based and biodigradable. In addition, we succeeded in making the dowel 100% CO2-neutral thanks to a clever choice of materials. It can be injection molded without any problems. And most importantly: The dowel holds reliably the insertted screw and what is attached to it.
Application for larger parts
The ongoing development forcus on plate type parts and support by using the new material as a kind of SMC (sheet mold component). First tests of the material are promising.